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Longitudinal assessment

What is longitudinal assessment?

One of the key drivers towards longitudinal assessment in ongoing physician certification is the goal of supporting physicians as lifelong learners and elevating the profession as a whole. Crucial to this is incorporating aspects of formative assessment to promote learning during the assessment, such as feedback and opportunities for remediation into the assessment process. In this sense, assessment as learning becomes as important as assessment of learning. The AOBP longitudinal assessment is structured to ensure ongoing physician competence and facilitate continuous osteopathic specialty assessment. Longitudinal assessment replaces the traditional high-stakes recertification examination.

When am I required to begin participating in the longitudinal assessment?

Annual registration for the longitudinal assessment is required of all diplomates that hold an active primary certification in General Pediatrics. Registration opens in fall prior to the start of the following year’s assessment. Once registered, diplomates will begin the longitudinal assessment in the expiration year of their current 10-year certificate.

When does my board certification expire?

To verify the expiration date of you General Pediatrics board certification, visit the AOA Physician Portal (login required). You can also check the progress and status of each OCC Component from the AOA Physician Portal.

I have a non-time limited certification; do I need to participate in longitudinal assessment?

Diplomates who hold a non-time limited certification, not participating in the OCC process are not required to participate in AOBP’s longitudinal assessment. Diplomates who hold a non-time limited certification who are voluntarily participating in the OCC process should register and participate in the AOBP longitudinal assessment to meet the Component 3 requirement.

I received reciprocal certification through the ABMS reciprocity campaign. Do I need to participate in longitudinal assessment?

Yes. Registration and participation are required and necessary to fulfill the Component 3 requirement of OCC. The requirements for each component of OCC can be found on the OCC Overview webpage.

How is the longitudinal assessment administered?

The AOBP longitudinal assessment is administered through the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners’ (NBOME) CATALYST learning assessment platform. The CATALYST platform can be accessed through any internet web-based accessible device. Through CATALYST platform diplomates will receive immediate performance feedback and rationale for each incorrectly answered question

Assessments delivered on CATALYST provide both performance feedback and educational resources.

How do I register for the longitudinal assessment?

Diplomates will receive an email announcement directly from the AOBP once the application and registration are open. Registration will be available on the AOBP website. Application, registration dates, and additional information can also be located under Important Dates.

When does registration open?

Diplomates are required to register for the AOBP longitudinal assessment each year. Registration for longitudinal assessment opens in the fall prior to the start of the longitudinal assessment the following year. The registration window for longitudinal assessment is typically no more than 30 days.

What is the fee for longitudinal assessment?

A $200.00 fee will be assessed annually at the time of registration and is payable by credit or debit card only.

How long is the longitudinal assessment cycle?

Each assessment cycle will coincide with the OCC cycle, lasting three years. There are two 6-month assessment segments each calendar year.

How long will I have to complete the questions during each assessment segment?

Each assessment segment is 6 months.* Diplomates will have 5 months to complete the questions distributed during the assessment segment. The last month of the assessment segment is reserved for grading and generating the diplomate score report.

*Please note: Diplomates who participate in the initial launch of longitudinal assessment scheduled for March 2022 will receive a shortened segment.

Is there a time limit to answer each question?

No. The longitudinal assessment questions are not timed.

Am I able to see my progress?

The CATALYST platform has a user-friendly dashboard that presents information on your performance. The dashboard notes your progress, assessment due date, number of days remaining in the assessment segment, and time remaining to complete the assignment.

CATALYST will also display the number of items remaining and the number of items answered correctly or incorrectly. Diplomates also have the ability to set up customized notifications and/or individualized test plan options.

Will I need to complete all 15 segment questions in one sitting?

The program keeps track of the items answered. You can answer the items at your own pace throughout the six-month assessment segment. However, all 15 questions need to be completed before or by the end of the six-month assessment segment.

What is successful completion of the longitudinal assessment?

At the conclusion of the longitudinal assessment cycle, diplomates must have accurately answered a minimum of 70% of the 90 questions distributed over the course of the 3-year assessment cycle.

How does Remediation work?

Diplomates who do not achieve the minimum passing score of 70% will be required to:

  • Participate in an educational review of available resources.
  • Diplomates are encouraged to utilize the resources offered through the NBOME Rationale, Med Study Program Pediatric review course; review courses offered through the American Academy of Pediatrics; and review of Nelson textbook.
  • Take a 90-item secured and timed assessment.
  • Once the diplomate has participated in a total of 90-questions of six blocks, along with a second attempt of each block’s incorrect items; achievement of the minimum passing point of 70% will be determined at the end of the three-year longitudinal assessment cycle.
  • Diplomates will be encouraged to participate in a study course is at the discretion of each diplomate. The AOBP does not hold responsibility of the assessment outcome or financial responsibility for participation in such course.
  • After completion of review of resources, the diplomate, may then petition the AOBP for approval to participate in the 90-item secured and timed assessment.
  • If the diplomate’s 90-item secured and timed assessment still results in failure, the diplomate will be required to re-enter the initial pathway for certification.
My current certificate lists an expiration date. When will a new certificate be issued to me?

Upon successful completion of a longitudinal assessment cycle, a certificate will be mailed with an effective date of Jan. 1 of the year the assessment cycle began. The AOA will no longer be adding expiration dates.  All new certificates will only list the date of issue.

Other questions

What technical devices are usable to access the CATALYST program?
  • Laptop
  • Desktop computer with camera
  • Smartphone
  • Tablet
What if I am unable to participate in longitudinal assessment due to a personal and/or health issue?

Active participation in each component of OCC is required for continuous certification. If you are unable to participate in any segment of the AOBP longitudinal assessment, contact the AOBP office directly at [email protected].

Will I receive CME for successfully completing the longitudinal assessment?

Successful completion of the AOBP longitudinal assessment will fulfill the OCC Component 3: Cognitive Assessment requirement. The AOBP does not grant CME for participating in longitudinal assessment.

If I have technical difficulties, what help is available to me?

Contact the AOBP office at [email protected].

If you have any questions or concerns regarding features and functionality of the CATALYST platform, contact NBOME Client Services at [email protected] or (866) 479-6828.

Where can I learn more about the CATALYST platform?

For Additional information on NBOME’s CATALYST assessment platform can be found on the CATALYST website.

Is longitudinal assessment available for Pediatric subspecialty or conjoint certifications?

At this time, longitudinal assessment is only available for the General Pediatric primary board certification.  Information regarding longitudinal assessment for the Pediatric subspecialty and conjoint certifications will be provided once available.