Attention: Our certification management system is getting updated and will be temporarily unavailable, starting on Feb. 10. | LEARN MORE
Volunteer Opportunities
The American Osteopathic Conjoint Correctional Medicine Examination Committee is actively searching for AOA-certified osteopathic physicians to assist the board in the following roles:
- Board Members
- Subject Matter Experts
- Examiners
Board Members are charged with helping establish and maintain high standards for certification of osteopathic physicians in the practice of Correctional Medicine and other related subspecialties. They may be required to participate in writing exam items and in administering board exams. Participation on the board requires attendance at in-person meetings (travel expenses are reimbursed by the AOA) and conference calls as needed. Board members will receive CME for writing items, attending exam-related meetings and administering exams.
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) work closely with board members and staff to develop exam items. Individuals who participate in exam writing will be required to complete AOA-provided item writing training. Physicians who participate in exam construction will earn CME.
Examiners assist the board in the administration of written, oral and clinical examinations. Examiners may need to attend an orientation prior to serving. Examiners will receive CME credits for administering exams.
If you’re interested in representing the osteopathic profession through one of these leadership roles, please complete a brief online application.