Attention: Our certification management system is getting updated and will be temporarily unavailable, starting on Feb. 10. | LEARN MORE
Component 2: Lifelong Learning/Continuing Medical Education
Component 2 of the Osteopathic Continuous Certification process requires recertifying physicians to pursue lifelong learning through continuing medical education.
To complete Component 2 requirements in the primary specialty of dermatology, and subspecialties you will need to earn 60 hours of CME over the three-year certification CME cycle.
CME can be reported several ways. Using the AOA’s new online CME tracking services, you can now easily self-report AOA Category 1 and 2 CME activities hosted by non-AOA-accredited CME sponsors. CME earned through an AOA-accredited sponsor will be reported on your behalf.
The CME self-reporting and tracking system is free for AOA members, with unlimited access to report activities, download and print CME reports. Simply log into the AOA Physician Portal and click “Manage CME” to get started.
The CME self-reporting and tracking services are available to non-members who are AOA board-certified for a nominal subscription fee. Register for CME self-reporting and tracking only. To avoid the fee, you can join the AOA to begin taking advantage of all the benefits membership provides, including full access to the new CME self-reporting and tracking service, unlimited free physician profile reports and a full slate of valuable member resources and savings programs.
Requirements for the 2022-2024 CME Cycle
Following are the minimum CME requirements that must be met for the 2022-2024 Certification CME cycle:
- Time-limited diplomates: 60 CME credits over three years; 20 must be category 1-A CME and 20 must be specialty-specific CME
- Non-time-limited diplomates voluntarily participating in OCC: 60 CME credits over three years; 20 must be category 1-A CME and 20 must be specialty-specific CME
- Non-time-limited diplomates not participating in OCC: 120 CME credits over three years; 20 must be category 1-A CME and 20 must be specialty-specific CME
For additional information, including CME activity types, rules, and CME caps, view the CME Policies & Requirements. You can also view your status for all OCC components, including Component 2, by logging into your AOA Physician Portal.
Requirements for the 2019-2021 CME Cycle
Following are the minimum CME requirements that must be met for the 2019-2021 Certification CME cycle:
- Time-limited diplomates: 60 CME credits over three years; 15 must be category 1-A CME
- Non-time-limited diplomates voluntarily participating in OCC: 60 CME credits over three years; 15 must be category 1-A CME
- Non-time-limited diplomates not participating in OCC: 120 CME credits over three years; 30 must be category 1-A CME
Please note: Diplomates have until March 31 to submit CME for the 2019-2021 CME Cycle. All reported credits must have been earned in the 2019-2021 CME Cycle.
Recognizing the significant burden placed on physician practices by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Executive Committee of the AOA Board of Trustees approved the following policy changes for the 2019-2021 CME cycle:
- At the end of the 2019-21 CME cycle, up to 15 AOA category 1-B credits will be converted to AOA category 1-A credits on an hour for hour basis. Please note the credit adjustment will not appear on CME reports until the end of the current cycle. At that time, reports will be updated to display credit totals with and without the adjustment to preserve accuracy of reporting for non-AOA use, such as verification for state licensure.
- The maximum number of AOA category 1-B credits that may be earned for committee and hospital work (as described in the 2019-2021 CME Guide for Osteopathic Physicians) has been raised from 5 to 10.