Through the following requirements, board-certified physicians maintain Osteopathic Continuous Certification in the primary specialties of Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine and its subspecialties.
- Maintain valid, active medical licensure in good standing in the U.S., its territories or Canada.
- Adhere to the AOA Code of Ethics.
- 120 total CME credits required during the 3-year certification CME cycle.
- This requirement will begin with the 2025-2027 certification CME cycle. The requirement for the 2022-2024 certification CME cycle will remain 60 total CME credits for time-limited diplomates and 120 total CME credits for non-time-limited diplomates.
- Of the 120 total CME hours required, twenty-five percent (25% or 30 CME hours) must be specialty-specific.
- Please note, this requirement is 25% total, not 25% for each specialty/subspecialty certified. A diplomate holding both an Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine will be required to attest to 30 CME hours total in any combination of the two specialties, not 30 hours in each specialty.
- Specialty-specific CME will be verified by the diplomate via a self-attestation form, subject to random audit by the AOBPa. View the self-attestation form.
- Pay an annual certificate maintenance fee of $100 beginning in 2024 to cover administrative costs associated with CME services and activity. This fee is waived for members of the AOA.
- Diplomates holding subspecialty certification in Dermatopathology are also required to take the Dermatopathology OCC examination. For more information on the Dermatopathology OCC process, please visit the Dermatopathology OCC Overview webpage.
Component 1 | Active Licensure
AOA board-certified physicians must hold a valid, active license to practice medicine in one of the 50 states, a U.S. territory, or Canada. Read more…
Component 2 | Lifelong Learning/Continuing Medical Education
Component 2 of the Osteopathic Continuous Certification process requires recertifying physicians to pursue lifelong learning through continuing medical education. Read more…
Component 3 | Cognitive Assessment
Beginning in 2022, the AOBPa offers longitudinal assessment in the primary specialties of Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine. The subspecialty of Forensic Pathology will continue to have an OCC exam until longitudinal assessment is launched. Read more…
Component 4 | Practice Performance Assessment & Improvement
Component 4 requires physicians to engage in continuous quality improvement through comparison of personal practice performance measured against national standards for their medical specialty. Read more…