Exam Policies
Right to Appeal
If a candidate feels that the actions of the AOBPr with regard to any part of the examination constitute unequal application of the regulations and requirements or standards, unwarranted discrimination, prejudice, unfairness or improper conduct of the examination, he or she has the right to appeal to this Board.
Appeal Timeframe: All appeals must be made in writing to the Board and must be received within 30 days of receipt of notification of failure. If these deadlines are not met, no further appeal is permitted.
Appeal Process: An appeal to the Board must be made in writing by the applicant to the Secretary-Treasurer of this Board, stating the reasons for requesting an appeal.
Level of Appeal: If the candidate is not satisfied with the results of an appeal before this Board, he or she has the right to further appeal to the Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists and the AOA Board of Trustees.
Limitations: Previous examination terms.
If an appeal is denied by the AOBPr, the candidate retains the right to appeal to the AOA Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists (BOS) and AOA Board of Trustees.
Compliance With Federal Regulations
The Board supports the intent of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for candidates who meet ADA eligibility. The Board will make a reasonable effort to provide qualified board candidates who have documented disabilities the necessary auxiliary aids and services that do not fundamentally alter the measurement of the skills or knowledge the board assessment process is intended to test or result in an undue burden.
The Board supports the intent of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for all patients or patient records that may be used as part of any part of the AOBPr board certification process.
Code of Conduct: Irregular or Improper Behavior
Because of the AOA’s commitment to the high level of confidentiality and integrity of our certifying board examinations, board examination results and questions of improper conduct are reviewed by board members. Improper behavior, including but not limited to, giving, receiving, or otherwise obtaining unauthorized information or assistance, looking at or utilizing the test material of others, taking notes, failing to comply with computer site staff instructions, talking with other candidates or other disruptive behavior will be considered cause for review of conduct and a possible violation of the certification process. Candidates must not discuss the examination while the session is in progress. Candidates must not disclose the contents of the examination to others or reproduce the examination or any portion of the examination in any manner, including without limitation reconstruction through memorization, electronic means, or dictation. All AOA examinations are copyrighted and protected by federal law. The above policies apply to all examinations administered by any AOA specialty certifying board.
It is a criminal offense to copy or reproduce any portion of the certifying examinations. Each board will monitor examinations for irregular or improper behavior by direct observation, statistical analysis, and by other means. Irregular or improper behavior will constitute grounds for invalidation of the candidate’s examination and each board reserves the right to invoke other sanctions, such as exclusion from future examinations, revocation of board certification, and reporting misconduct to censing bodies or law enforcement agencies.