Attention: Our certification management system is getting updated and will be temporarily unavailable, starting on Feb. 10. | LEARN MORE
Through the following components, board-certified physicians maintain Osteopathic Continuous Certification in the subspecialty of sports medicine.
Component 1 | Active Licensure
AOA board-certified physicians must hold a valid, active license to practice medicine in one of the 50 states. In addition, physicians are required to adhere to the AOA’s Code of Ethics. Read more…
Component 3 | Cognitive Assessment
Every 10 years, board-certified physicians with a time-limited certificate must pass the relevant OCC examination. Read more…
Component 2 | Lifelong Learning/Continuing Medical Education
Conjoint certifications are subspecialty certifications. As such all Sports Medicine certificate holders must abide by the requirement of their primary certification board. Read more…
Component 4 | Practice Performance Assessment & Improvement
Diplomates must complete one continuous quality improvement project every 10 years. Read more…