Attention: Our certification management system is getting updated and will be temporarily unavailable, starting on Feb. 10. | LEARN MORE


Through the following components, board-certified physicians maintain Osteopathic Continuous Certification in the subspecialty of sports medicine.

Component 1 | Active Licensure

AOA board-certified physicians must hold a valid, active license to practice medicine in one of the 50 states. In addition, physicians are required to adhere to the AOA’s Code of Ethics. Read more…

Component 3 | Cognitive Assessment

Every 10 years, board-certified physicians with a time-limited certificate must pass the relevant OCC examination. Read more…

Component 2 | Lifelong Learning/Continuing Medical Education

Conjoint certifications are subspecialty certifications. As such all Sports Medicine certificate holders must abide by the requirement of their primary certification board. Read more…

Longitudinal Assessment References

Component 4 | Practice Performance Assessment & Improvement

Diplomates must complete one continuous quality improvement project every 10 years. Read more…