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Component 2: Lifelong Learning/Continuing Medical Education


Component 2 of the Osteopathic Continuous Certification process requires recertifying physicians to pursue lifelong learning through continuing medical education.

Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine

For the 2022-24 CME cycle:

  • Time-limited diplomates and non-time-limited diplomates voluntarily participating in OCC must fulfill 60 total CME hours:
    • 30 credits must be Category 1A, 15 of which must be in hands-on practical specialty CME
  • Non time-limited diplomates not participating in OCC must fulfill 120 total CME credits
    • 60 credits must be Category 1A, 15 of which must be in hands-on practical specialty CME

What Defines “Hands-On” Practical Specialty CME

Any AOA-accredited Category 1A CME that includes OMM training as part of the educational activity will be considered acceptable to satisfy all or part of the AOBNMM Component 2 Osteopathic Continuous Certification (OCC) requirement for 15 hours of “Hands On” training.  One example of a qualifying CME event would be the AAO annual convocation since it offers “hands on” OMM sessions that allow participants the opportunity to practice palpatory and osteopathic manipulative treatment skills. Other commonly accepted examples include CME programs sponsored by AOA (such as OMED), AOA specialty colleges, and AAO component societies, such as the Osteopathic Cranial Academy. Other acceptable educational activities include CME programs sponsored by osteopathic state and regional associations and colleges of osteopathic medicine that include OMM training as part of the program.

The AOBNMM understands that CME can come in various packages, such as on-demand, telecast, and in-person programs. The spirit of the 15 hours of “Hands-on” training is for AOBNMM diplomates to have the opportunity to advance their palpatory and osteopathic manipulative treatment technical skills.

Diplomates will submit an attestation at the end of the cycle attesting that they have completed the 15 hands-on CME requirement.