Miss the Feb. 18 AOBR resident webinar? View the recording now!

Applications and Payment


Each examination has its own fee, due at the time of exam application.

Primary Certification

The fee for the Diagnostic Radiology Written and Oral Examinations is $800 each.

Primary Certification (Written and Oral Exams)
Examination fee — Written and Oral $800
Re-examination fee — Written and Oral (includes Oral conditioned candidates) $800
Late application fee — Written $240
Hand-score fee (any exam) $100

**Physicians who began residency between July 1, 2015 and July 1, 2020 may have begun paying an annual fee for each year of residency (i.e. $400 per year for years one, two, three, and four). Physicians who began in this process just need to have submitted the first $800 by the time of the Diagnostic Radiology Written Examination application, and the other $800 by the time of the Diagnostic Radiology Oral Examination application.

Subspecialty Certification

Subspecialty Certification
Subspecialty Certification Exam fee $900
Late application fee $330
Re-examination fee $500

Osteopathic Continuous Certification

OCC Cognitive Exam
Annual OCC Fee $300 per year
Late application Fee $150 per year



Cancellation Policy

You may cancel at any time; however, all exam fees are subject to a cancellation policy depending on the date of cancellation.

Diagnostic Radiology Written and Oral Exams

  • Cancellation more than 20 days prior to the exam = $400 refund
  • Cancellation less than 20 days prior to the exam = no refund (it also counts as one attempt towards your three exam attempts)

Subspecialty Examinations

  • Cancellation more than 20 days prior to the exam = $650 refund
  • Cancellation less than 20 days prior to the exam = $400 refund

OCC Annual Fees are non-refundable.
