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Through the following components, board-certified physicians maintain Osteopathic Continuous Certification in the primary specialties of Diagnostic Radiology and Radiation Oncology and the subspecialties of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, Neuroradiology and Pediatric Radiology.
All diplomates who have a time-limited certification from the AOBR are required to enroll and comply with OCC. Upon receiving board certification, diplomates will be automatically enrolled in OCC. There is an annual fee of $300 due by Dec. 31 each year that can be paid online.
Update: Beginning on Jan. 1, 2019, the AOBR OCC process will incorporate the following changes to ensure the continued advancement of board certification processes and requirements.
- Component 2 (Lifelong Learning/Continuing Medical Education): Beginning in 2019, diplomates will be required to earn 60 specialty CME credits per three year AOA CME cycle. This will replace the previous requirement of 120 CME credits.
- Component 3 (Cognitive Assessment): As part of a new pilot format for cognitive assessment, diplomates will no longer be required to take the 10-year OCC exam.
To check your progress with OCC, please visit the AOA Physician Portal.
Component 1 | Active Licensure
AOA board-certified physicians must hold a valid, active license to practice medicine in one of the 50 states or Canada. Read more…
Component 2 | Lifelong Learning/Continuing Medical Education
Component 2 of the Osteopathic Continuous Certification process requires recertifying physicians to pursue lifelong learning through continuing medical education. Read more…
Component 3 | Cognitive Assessment
To complete Component 3 requirements for Osteopathic Continuous Certification in the primary specialties of Diagnostic Radiology and Radiation Oncology and the subspecialties of Vascular and Interventional Radiology; Neuroradiology; and Pediatric Radiology, a physician must complete 15 Self-Assessment Module credits (SAMs or SA-CME). Read more…
Component 4 | Practice Performance Assessment & Improvement
Each AOBR-certified physician is required to successfully complete one qualified OCC practice performance assessment (PPA) every three year CME cycle. Read more…