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Component 3: Cognitive Assessment


Through participation in Osteopathic Continuous Certification, AOA board-certified physicians maintain necessary skills, stay up to date with the latest advances in medicine and demonstrate excellence in their specialty. Component 3 of the OCC process is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of AOBP-certified physicians in the specialty of pediatrics and its subspecialties.

General Pediatrics: Annual OCC Longitudinal Assessment (Replaced the Cognitive Written Examination for Recertification in 2021)

In 2021, the AOBP announced the transition to a longitudinal assessment model designed to replace the traditional high-stakes General Pediatrics OCC recertification written examination previously required for Component 3 of OCC.  Longitudinal assessment leverages technology to facilitate continuous learning through two short assessments relevant to pediatrics. This annual assessment is delivered via a convenient remote online learning platform.

Visit our longitudinal assessment section to learn more about the assessment and when you should plan to begin participation.

Neonatology: Cognitive Assessment Exam

Physicians who hold a time-limited certificate in neonatology are required to pass the OCC Written Exam, which is administered remotely on an annual basis. The application period opens five months prior to the exam and applications are due 5 weeks prior to administration of the exam.

Table of Specifications:

The Neonatology OCC exam will cover all areas of pediatrics, including:

Table of Specifications: Neonatology OCC Exam
Maternal-fetal medicine 7%
Asphyxia and resuscitation 7%
Cardiovascular 10%
Respiratory 12%
Genetics/dysmorphism 7%
Nutrition/water/salt 10%
Nephrology 2%
Endocrine/metabolic/thermal 6%
Immunology/hematology/oncology 7%
Infectious diseases 7%
Gastroenterology 4%
Bilirubin 2%
Skin disorders 1%
Neurology/development/behavior 9%
Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat and neck 1%
Basic principles of pharmacology 1%
Practicing evidence-based health care 5%
Health services delivery/ethical issues/family counseling 2%

Applications & Payment:

The following fee schedule applies to physicians seeking board certification from the American Osteopathic Board of Pediatrics.

OCC Cognitive Assessment Fees
EXAM Type Fee
Neonatology OCC Application Fee $1,400
OCC Late Application Fee $800

Exam Results:

Examination results will be emailed approximately 8-10 weeks after the exam administration concludes.

Neonatology: Cognitive Assessment – Recertification Exam

Physicians who hold a time-limited certificate in neonatology are required to pass the OCC Written Exam, which is administered remotely on an annual basis. The application period opens five months prior to the exam and applications will not be accepted after the final closing. After first closing date late fees will apply.

Exam Number of Questions and Timing

The Neonatology OCC Recertification Exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions and lasts approximately three hours with two scheduled 10-minute breaks.

Neonatology OCC Recertification Exam

  • Section 1: Items 1-50 (approximately 60 minutes with a 10 minute break)
  • Section 2: Items 51-100 (approximately 60 minutes with a 10 minute break)
  • Section 3: Items 101-150 (approximately 60 minutes)
  • Survey – Completion
  • Total Items: 150
  • Total Time: 200 minutes. Time includes breaks.

Conjoint Committee OCC Exams

If you hold subspecialty board certification through one of the following conjoint examination committees, select a link below for details on your OCC Component 3 requirements.

Exam Policies

The following policies apply for all AOBP examinations.

  • Exam Failure: Loss of certification (inactive status) will result for diplomates who fail to successfully complete the OCC process and who hold a time-dated certification. Diplomates who hold a non-time-limited (non-dated, non-expiring) certification are not required to participate in OCC but may opt to participate in the OCC process voluntarily.
  • Compliance With Federal Regulations: The AOBP supports and adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for candidates who meet ADA eligibility. The Board will make a reasonable effort to provide qualified candidates who have documented disabilities the necessary auxiliary aids and services that do not fundamentally alter the measurement of the skills or knowledge the board assessment process is intended to test or result in an undue burden. The AOBP also supports and adheres to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for all patients or patient records that may be used as part of any part of the AOBP board certification process.