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Component 1: Active Licensure


To complete Component 1 requirements for Osteopathic Continuous Certification in the primary specialty of Family Medicine, a physician must:

  • A candidate/diplomate must hold a valid, active license to practice medicine in a U.S. state, commonwealth, District of Columbia or U.S. territory, or Canada. Those physicians holding only an active license (or registration) to practice medicine outside the U.S. may be considered for OCC on a case-by-case basis.
    NOTE: Primary source verification shall be conducted at entry into the OCC process and the beginning of each diplomate’s OCC cycle. Physicians who have restrictions on their license will have their OCC file reviewed by the Certification Compliance Review (CCR) Committee of the BOS. More information on the CCR Committee can be found in Article V, Section 7 of the Bylaws of the BOS.
  • Adhere to the AOA Code of Ethics.