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Registration for the following will occur through the overall OMED24 registration process. OMED24 will be held Sept. 20-22 in San Antonio, Texas. Learn more about OMED, the world’s largest gathering of osteopathic physicians!

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OMT Next Level: Cervical Thoracic Spine

Thursday, Sept. 19 from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Designed for practicing physicians with basic OMT skills or those MDs and DOs who have graduated from residency programs with osteopathic recognition, the ACOFP’s Next Level OMT is intended to help attendees further refine their OMM diagnoses and treatment and bring those skills to the “next level.” This cervical thoracic spine section will consist of case-based presentations that focus on a brief review of diagnostic procedures for specific conditions where OMT is indicated (such as TMJ, torticollis, whiplash, thoracic outlet syndrome and upper cross syndrome), with most of the time devoted to hands on instruction of specific OMT techniques. This module is approved by AOBFP to count towards the recertification requirements from AOBFP for OMT.

OMT Next Level: Upper Extremities

Thursday, Sept. 19 from 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Designed for practicing physicians with basic OMT skills or those MDs and DOs who have graduated from residency programs with osteopathic recognition, the ACOFP’s Next Level OMT is intended to help attendees further refine their OMM diagnoses and treatment and bring those skills to the “next level.” This upper extremity section will consist of case-based presentations that focus on a brief review of diagnostic procedures for specific conditions where OMT is indicated (such as epicondylitis, carpel tunnel syndrome and Dupuytren contracture) with most of the time devoted to hands on instruction of specific OMT techniques. This module is approved by AOBFP to count towards the recertification requirements from AOBFP for OMT.

OMT Next Level: Headaches

Friday, Sept. 20 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Designed for practicing physicians with basic OMT skills or those MDs and DOs who have graduated from residency programs with osteopathic recognition, the ACOFP’s Next Level OMT is intended to help attendees further refine their OMM diagnoses and treatment and bring those skills to the “next level.” The headaches section will consist of case-based presentations that focus on a brief review of diagnostic procedures for specific conditions where OMT is indicated, with most of the time devoted to hands-on instruction of specific OMT techniques for specific headaches. This module is approved by the AOBFP to count towards the recertification requirements from AOBFP for OMT.

Are you a provider of hands-on OMT training, and want to have your course listed here?
All courses submitted for consideration by the AOBFP should be designed for practicing osteopathic family physicians who want to improve their skills in osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). Your course should be offered as a CME workshop and follow the course outline template below:

Submit your completed application to [email protected].