Attention: Our certification management system is getting updated and will be temporarily unavailable, starting on Feb. 10. | LEARN MORE


Through the following components, board-certified physicians maintain Osteopathic Continuous Certification in the primary specialties of Aerospace Medicine, Occupational/Environmental Medicine, and Public Health/Community Medicine.

To check your progress with OCC, please visit the AOA Physician Portal.

Component 1 | Active Licensure

AOA board-certified physicians must hold a valid, active license to practice medicine in one of the 50 states. Read more…

Component 2 | Lifelong Learning/Continuing Medical Education

Component 2 of the Osteopathic Continuous Certification process requires time-limited physicians to pursue lifelong learning through continuing medical education. Read more…

Component 3 | Cognitive Assessment

Component 3 of the OCC process is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of AOBPM-certified physicians in the specialty of preventive medicine. Read more…

Component 4 | Practice Performance Assessment & Improvement

Component 4 requires physicians to engage in continuous quality improvement through comparison of personal practice performance measured against national standards for their medical specialty. To submit, please visit the AOA Physician Portal or view frequently asked questions. Read more…