Coming soon: AOBS to collaborate with ABS to offer new designation opportunity | LEARN MORE

Under Consideration – New Subspecialty Exam in Neurocritical Care

The American Osteopathic Board of Surgery (AOBS) is discussing plans for a new subspecialty exam in Neurocritical Care under the Neurosurgery specialty, which underwent the first approval by the Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists (BOS) at its 2021 midyear meeting and, subsequently, at 2022-23 meetings. Additional steps in the approval process are forthcoming.

Because this is a potentially new exam, it is still under development and further discussion. The examination content, job task analysis and table of specifications are being assessed by our psychometric team. If approved by the BOS, final eligibility and timelines will be posted on this website as appropriate. Please continue to watch for the latest updates.