Attention: Our certification management system is getting updated and will be temporarily unavailable, starting on Feb. 10. | LEARN MORE

Applications and Payment


Those who wish to sit for the AOBPM certification exams must formally apply. This application must be received by the AOBPM no later than 60 days prior to the examination date.

Application fees are non-refundable.  If you cancel at least three weeks in advance, exam fees will be returned minus a $100 cancellation fee ($200 if cancelled within three weeks of the exam date).

Primary Certification

Primary Certification
EXAM Type Fee
Application Fee $500
Exam Fee $1,100
Retake Application Fee $150
Retake Core Exam $600
Retake Specialty Exam $600
Retake two or more parts $750
Late Fee (received after Dec. 1) $100

Subspecialty Certification

Subspecialty Certification
EXAM Type Fee
Application Fee $295
Exam Fee $850
Late Application Fee (within 60 days of exam) $350
Retake one part $500
Retake two or more parts $750

OCC Cognitive Assessment

OCC Cognitive Assessment
EXAM Type Fee
Application Fee $295
Full Exam $850
Retake Application Fee $150
Retake one part $500
Retake two or more parts $750